Saturday, October 24, 2009


All , or let's say most, of us use Facebook, and a lot knows what October,24th,2009 means; Yes, it's the day for all Muslims to boycott Facebook, as a reaction against the groups which insult Islam on Facebook.
No, I won't boycott it with the others, I have never believed in this boycotting thing; I will tell you why, for the Facebook case, as we all know Facebook is a website based on freedom, you can come up there and make a user, and then you can start talking and saying whatever you want, anyone can do it, the website won't be able to close any of your accounts because it may lose a costumer, and of course it's not acceptable for them, how if you are talking about groups? They are not ready to lose a single account, so of course they won't close a group! Also, you are only boycotting it for one day, let's say your number is 10000 users not signing in that particular day, everyday more than this number don't sign in, for various reasons, we all don't when we have exams, or when we are away from our laptops.
The other case of boycotting is for the Denmark's products, because some newspapers drawings that insult our prophet; We all know how It's one of the countries where their people exert the most freedom they want, a woman can go out naked and no one will say anything; But when we saw these drawings, we directly thought about boycotting those products, I wonder what is the fault of the manufacturers? What is the fault of the importers? I know a son of a big importer of these products, and they really became poor out of this boycott; They weren't the ones who publish those drawings, They were working to provide food for their families; Yeah! Maybe their fault is to choose these jobs; Sorry, they never knew that you will boycott them one day.
What has happened after these boycotts? Instead of having 1 group insulting Islam, now there are tens, maybe more; Instead of 1 newspaper in Denmark publishing the drawings, there are a lot now, and not only in Denmark!

So, what can we do? This is the question now; For me, I think we don't have to do anything, because those behaviours were from stupid selly people, we can't judge the whole country depending on what those few did!

*Funny story: We, as Muslims, don't have to spread those drawings between us, I remember when I was at school, when those drawings came out, some people who printed it out and started selling it! :)