Friday, October 30, 2009

Feeling weird..

Tonight, I'm feeling quite weird, maybe because I'm free a bit, it's Friday night, I gotta chill out, but I'm feeling weird to be free, I think it's because of being very busy for the last week, I had been attending classes from 9am to 6pm, after that I have to go to the Wushu training sessions for three hours, twice a week, and the rest of the week, I have been whether tired and lying on bed, or studying at the library. I didn't have time to blog of course, that's why you didn't see me this week, I didn't even have a lot of time to talk to my lover. Ah! I'm quite sad about not talking to her very much anymore, but we have to study to make a great and bright future for both of us, I know we can make it, I can see it in our eyes, I can see the motivation, the desire, and a lot of other feelings which I'm sure will keep on pushing us forward, to do our best for us. I still lover her like fire, like the first time I loved her, that has never changed, and I don't think it will change; Me being busy doesn't mean at all that I don't miss her or I don't think about her; I always think about her, when I'm at the lecture, which distracts me a bit, but then I think that I have to concentrate so that I do well for our future, which gives me the motivation to work harder. I feel like I'm not only working for me, but I'm working for us, I feel much more strength than before, I'm motivated, I know I can do well, for the sake of us; I love you.